Completing assignments
Types of Assignments
As an end-user, you can complete two different kinds of tasks from the home screen.
My Assignments
On Demand Assignments
By tapping the My Assignments button you can access tasks that have either been self-assigned (i.e. a daily checklist) or sent to you by another person (i.e. compliance training).
The other type of assignment is an On Demand Assignment that can be retrieved at the time and place of need. For example, when you are troubleshooting a broken machine and need to scan a QR code for a manual.
Let’s explore these two kinds of tasks in more detail.
My Assignments
This is where you receive and complete these types of assignments:
Sent from another person
These assignments also have different attributes. For example, you may only need to complete an assignment once. Or perhaps it is a weekly, recurring assignment.
You will get notified of an assignment when:
Opening the app
Looking for a badge on the app’s home screen icon
Receiving a push notification that gives you the option of opening the app, accepting the assignment, or ignoring the assignment if you’re busy with something else.
To complete assignments you work from your inbox.
At the top of the inbox is a dashboard with indicators for overdue, new, and in-progress assignments. You can tap one of these to filter your inbox.
The main body of the inbox is where you will see the assignments you need to complete.
The assignments themselves have a label on them if they are new, in-progress, or overdue.
You will also notice some assignments have a locked icon on them. This means they are location-based assignments that can also unlock when they have been triggered by a PinPoint. You can tap the assignment and it will tell you where to go to unlock it.
Beacons and geofences are unlocked automatically once the phone detects the signal. For QR codes, barcodes and image recognition an alert allows you to open the camera to scan. Once the assignment has been unlocked, the icon will change to a PinPoint icon to let you know that this assignment was location based.
To complete an assignment simply tap on it. Once the assignment is complete it will disappear from your in-box. However, if you need to see it again you can tap on the filter icon and select Completed to retrieve it.
On Demand Assignments
The other type of assignment you can complete is an On Demand assignment. This allows you to access performance support whenever and wherever you need it.
You can access these just-in-time assignments in several ways:
Search On Demand Library: Search or scroll through assignments made available to you. For example, you might have a checklist that you wish to complete. The completion of these assignments is tracked.
Search Media Library: Search or scroll through individual pieces of content available outside of an assignment. For example, if there is a video on proper equipment maintenance you can go directly to it. The completion of these media objects is not tracked.
Scan Code: This opens the camera to let you scan a QR or barcode
Scan Location: Tapping this button scans your environment for any beacons or geofences that may be near you and have content attached to them.
Scan Image: This too opens the camera. Aim the camera at 2d pictures that have been captured to launch an assignment.
The Assignment Experience
Both My Assignments and On Demand Assignments have the same end-user experience.
Once you have tapped an assignment to complete it you are presented with a single piece of content or a playlist of objects to advance through.
It could be a single piece of media or it could be multiple objects – videos, checklists, PDFs, Office documents, etc. – depending on what the assignment creator built.
Use the forward and back arrows to advance through the assignment.
For certain object types your completion progress is tracked and can be marked as ‘in-progress’ if it needs to be completed later.
Also, some assignments may present you with digital signatures depending on the type of assignment that your administrator has built.
It is designed to be a fast, simple experience to let you quickly complete an assignment and return to the job.